This is one of our favorite chairs in the house - super comfortable and we refurbished it ourselves. What started out as discarded Hans Wegner-style rope chair (seems like it's probably from Yugoslavia) that we found on the side of the road turned into a great chair for our front room with a little work, some upholstery tacks and a roll of black webbing.

Shown here with the Block Throw from Creative Women.

We took a little trip to Ebinger Bros. in Ipswich MA (usually known for their leather wholesale and supply) to buy a roll of industrial strength black cotton webbing. We were nervous about splitting out the wood when fastening the webbing to the chair so we actually predrilled each hole before nailing it into the frame.

The whole thing took a lot longer than we expected but the end product has definitely been worth the effort. The finished chair is actually really comfortable, folds up for storage and we think it looks awesome. Now, on to refinish the other 2 that we found on the side of the road with this one...

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