BAGGU has become a household name in the past few years for their durable, long-lasting, carry-all nylon bags. But did you know that their leather goods are produced in the USA and their nylon reusable bags are ethically sourced from China?
What does "ethically sourced" mean? We asked the same question. Straight from their website:
"Our factories in China are audited yearly by an independent third party for occupational health and safety. These audits help ensure that humane work hours and wages are enforced, and that the facilities are safe. We also work with factories that minimize the impact of our production on the environment. Our nylon is produced in an ISO 14001 certified factory.
Our leather line is cut and sewn in the U.S.A., we have factories in Texas and in the garment district of New York City. Our leather is produced in an ISO 14001 certified tannery."
BAGGU is committed to creating sustainable products, using recycled material as often as possible. Their mission: "To make simple, high quality bags in many bright colors, that feel good to use. They're durable and multi-purpose so you can own less stuff."
Pretty awesome, huh? We love the Basic Tote for everything from holding books and laptops, to accompanying us on a trip to the market, to being just an all around great day-to-day bag. And the Small Pouch is the best catch-all for change, jewelry, etc. Both products are made with the softest leather, and have proved to be so durable for us so far.
An added bonus is that they recycle your old bags! You can send old BAGGUs to their factory (and even get a discount on your next bag!). Thanks BAGGU!