Photo: Read Mckendree

When you decide to try to go Fair Trade as a family and only buy things that are produced in an ethical way you realize just how many things you actually buy. There are big purchases like jackets and furniture but also a lot of small ones like pencils, shoelaces and soap. 

Shore Soap Company hand crafts their soap in Rhode Island so we decided to give it a try in our outdoor shower (seemed a fitting spot to use a Sea Salt soap since its where we shower off after surfing or snorkeling).

We've only used "Mermaid Kisses" so we can't speak for the other fragrances but we love the smell. It actually made the whole outdoor shower smell fantastic. That's saying a lot because a soap that can hold its own in a shower being used by people after they've pulled up a bunch of lobster traps (dead fish smell) and gone surfing (gross wetsuit smell) is a pretty big deal for us.

The soap also really holds up - which is important. We've bought hand made soaps before that were great to wash with but seemed to melt in our hands as we used it. These Shore Soap bars seem to put up a good fight and last a lot longer.

We're also really happy to support a company where people are hard at work making things. We love making things and love to see other people doing the same. You can check out a couple shots by photographer Read Mckendree here that show the process behind the making of some of the products that Shore Soap Company offers - pretty cool. We've included just a couple of our favorite images here (but you should really go to his site to see them all):

Photo: Read Mckendree
Photo: Read Mckendree
Photo: Read Mckendree
